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Scott Hartley

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Post by Scott Hartley Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:08 pm

34. Teacher.

Scott Hartley



Occupation |

Music teacher

Faculty |

Arts and Humanities

Study |


Study Society |



Height |

185 cm

Build |


Eye Colour |


Hair Colour |

Black, originally strawberry blonde

Scott has gone through countless of hair and outfit styles throughout the years. Back in his twenties, he wore the most outrageous costumes on the stage, often with too many sparkles to count. These days, he dresses more appropriately, although he owns a few extravagant items that manage to spark up his looks.

In the last few years, he has put on some more weight than in the past. He no longer removes his beard entirely, although he does keep up with the coloration of it. Originally, Scott has strawberry blonde hair, but since he greatly dislikes this color, he often paints it black.

Traits |

Creative, flamboyant, melancholic, confident, inconsiderate, eccentric.

Ever since he was old enough to display this behavior, Scott has been creative. Not only because he has a voice that almost reaches into the stars, but also because he is good with his words and comes up with bright ideas in the most difficult situations. Before his career crashed, he was known to be very flamboyant, dressing up as he tried to hide from everyone else, behind the artist. Especially when he was on the stage every other night, he grew confident about pretty much everything. His looks, his music, and whatever you could come up with. This also made him a bit selfish and even inconsiderate towards those he cared for.

Now that his career ended, he has become more melancholic and gloomy. Scott has seen and done it all, and while he is trying to find new goals, he is dangling on a thin rope. Mentally, he is not in the best place right now, and it won't take much to disturb the little peace he has found by moving to the United Kingdom.


Father |

James Hartley

Mother |

Dorothy Richards-Hartley

Siblings |



place of birth |

New York City, United States of America

date of birth |

January 18th, 1987

Scott has been creative since he was a little boy. Not only did he develop a passion for music, he was passionate about any kind of arts and crafts. He was different from most of the boys in his neighborhood. While they went outside to play, he preferred to stay inside to draw, paint, listen to music and the like. His mother accepted that Scott wasn’t like other boys, but his father disliked it and found that his son was growing soft. This caused tension between his parents. His mother did her best to support him, even though she was worried for his well-being, but his father tried everything to get Scott to stop being so ‘weak’ and ‘girl-like.

Once he was old enough to go to high school, he started participating in activities after school time. Scott became very close with his voice teacher, who was like a mentor to him. He performed a couple of times during his high school period, mostly at parties and events. Scott was never one of the cool kids. He wasn’t bullied growing up, but he always was somewhat of a loner. The other kids knew he was different, somehow, and they simply let him be. His true wish was to have at least one good friend that would stick to his side until he grew old and grey, but this wish never came true.

When he was old enough to go to university, his life drastically changed. Scott decided to study music, to the great disapproval of his father, who found that the study wasn’t worth much. He found people that were more like him, and he made a great bunch of friends. He got his first girlfriend, Allison, when he was nineteen years of age. She was a blue-haired, cheeky girl from London with a passion for rock music. They got along perfectly, and their romance was a passionate and romantic one. Scott was head over heels with her, and he even wrote an array of love songs for her. She encouraged him to send the songs to a record label, and they actually picked one out that was to their liking. Within a few months, his song was all over the radio, and he started to perform on shows, spreading his music under the fake name of Scott Dean – a reference to his favorite actor, James Dean.

This new lifestyle washed over him like a flood, and he had no time to brace himself for the impact. He rolled into a whole new world once his face was plastered all over the country. Big shows, lots of money, fast cars, alcohol and drugs, and pretty women. Scott did his very best to hold onto the one certainty in his life: Allison. But he was swallowed by this new way of living, and the distance between him and his rock grew more and more. Allison eventually broke up with him when he came home drugged after a show.

Scott continued to live like this for a few more years. He managed to get quite a few scandals on his name, but a couple of songs broke through nonetheless. He slept around with women, tried new drugs, and partied until he could no longer stay up on his feet. He bought a house in New York with the money he earned himself, but he always felt like something was missing. During this time, Scott started to get interested in men too, adding another scandal to his name as this wasn’t as accepted yet as it is today.

Just as fast as his career had started, it crashed. His songs were no longer good, and his record label decided that his flame was already burnt out. Scott continued to live the fast life for a while, spending his money on alcohol and drugs. He eventually had to sell his house, his cars, and most of the expensive stuff he owned. Scott hit rock bottom, and he decided to leave America and his failed career behind. He moved to London, wanting a fresh start. Scott applied for a teaching job in music, keeping his former career a secret.

I tried to believe in God and James Dean
but Hollywood sold out

Scott Hartley
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Post by Queen's College Mon Nov 29, 2021 12:19 am

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