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Asher Morgan

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Post by Asher Morgan Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:10 pm

38. teacher.

Asher Joshua Morgan





Faculty of Business and Management


Not applicable


Not applicable



185 cm


Athletic, muscular

Eye Colour.


Hair Colour.

Light brown

Asher is pretty skinny naturally, which especially starts to show when he’s not taking care of himself all too well. He smokes a lot, too, which makes it even harder for him to gain or maintain weight. However, with enough exercise and a good diet, he can become quite muscular and bulky. He is of average height and his overall looks don’t make him stand out in a crowd very much. No one can really tell his exact eye color. They seem either blue, grey, or green depending on the lighting. He has brown hair that he likes to keep relatively short for practicality. Shaving is a habit that he prefers to skip, but since he works in an environment that demands some kind of professionality he occasionally does so anyway. Most notable about him are probably the countless tattoos on his arms and chest.

Asher used to wear expensive, formal business-wear for work, so he still has a closet full of now-useless bespoke suits. He tends to show up to the university in something that could be considered business-casual. Inside the house, he wears more casual clothes, such as hoodies, jeans, and t-shirts. He does not shy away from accessories, such as bracelets and watches.

Asher has a low, sometimes even growly voice. He has a pretty thick British accent, which only gets worse whenever he drinks. Despite his education, Asher prefers to use simple, common language. He also loves to curse. Generally, he comes across as someone calm and confident. He tends to be particularly affectionate around people he likes and/or trusts.



Ambitious, confident, detached, dominant, hedonistic, impatient, incisive, inconsiderate, independent, irreverent, obsessive, protective, resentful, selfish, temperamental, vindictive.

As a friend. Asher carries himself with a sense of je ne sais quoi. Some people may find him an absolute asshole, others may find him endearing or charming. He tends to make friends as easily as he does enemies, it is almost as if a flip of a coin will decide what it will be. He can be very good company for a night out drinking, but don’t expect him to be your shoulder to cry on if you run into any hardships. Usually, he is far too preoccupied with his own problems to care about anyone else’s, and most of the time he simply doesn’t know what to do when someone just bursts out into tears in front of him. Only if you’re particularly close with him will he make an effort to try and help you. He is very selective about the people he considers to be his friends, which is probably why he doesn’t have all that many. Generally, he tends to be closer with women than men, since he usually acts more sympathetically towards the former. His overall tendency to dominate situations and his antagonistic behaviour towards other men just pisses them off.

As a lover. Asher has a very complicated relationship with love. Ideally, he would want to settle down with a woman and have a bunch of kids, but reality has proven that it’s nearly impossible for him to uphold a healthy relationship. This is mostly due to his own fault. He isn’t loyal by any stretch of the imagination, even if he deeply cares about the person he’s with. His eyes wander frequently and he will only think of the consequences of his actions when it’s already too late. Even when he isn’t cheating, he’s a handful. He’s highly argumentative and can be very volatile at times. He will challenge his significant other even at the slightest disagreement, sometimes even attempting to downright humiliate or insult them. His temper can run out in the snap of a finger and sometimes he even gets aggressive.

On the flip side, he can be incredibly supportive, loving, caring, and protective with the right person. Whenever he sees his partner in tears, he will try his very best to cheer her up through whatever means necessary. He will try to move mountains in order to protect the ones he holds dear. He can also be very thoughtful, supplying his partner with breakfast in bed or with very personal gifts. To most people within his inner circle, he tends to be quite generous. Asher is at his most peaceful whenever he is with someone he greatly cares for. In the right environment, he can turn into a source of calm, support, and stability. Asher is a very physical person; while having some trouble with verbalizing his commitment towards someone, he always tries to communicate his affection for them through proximity and touch. If he loves someone, he will want to be close to them at all times.

As an enemy. Asher can behave pretty impulsively, irrationally, and antagonistically, which makes for a difficult person to deal with sometimes. Ever since his teenage years, he’s had a problem with authority, and this has never really gone away. While his intentions are often good, he usually ends up doing whatever the hell he wanted to do anyway. He tends to piss off the wrong people, which can easily get him into a world of trouble.

As a father. As the son of a neglectful father, Asher has vowed to himself that he would be different towards his own children. He wants to have a close relationship to them, to be mindful of their needs and supportive of their aspirations. In reality, this has proven to be a little more difficult than originally expected, mostly because his children stem from turbulent, dysfunctional relationships.



Byron Morgan


Adriana Morgan


Shiloh, Drew & Misha Morgan


Aurélie Pelletier


Amelia & Audrey Morgan


Place of birth.

Hackney, London, United Kingdom

Date of birth.

August 10th, 1983


Asher was born the youngest child to a French-British mother and a Polish-Jewish father. His early life was crowded and hectic, being outnumbered by three much older sisters. He grew up in a small terraced home in pre-gentrified Hackney, back when there was only one greengrocer and a single pub on Broadway Market. Asher was a late and somewhat unexpected addition to the family, and having yet another mouth to feed put additional pressure on the household that was already struggling financially. Though the family never had much money to spend, Asher and his sisters did get along swimmingly most of the time. His parents, on the other hand, were frequently arguing. The stress of keeping such a large family afloat with a blue-collar job in construction eventually caught up to Byron, and the man left in order to pursue a relationship with another woman.


One tragedy after another. At the age of seventeen, his sister Drew committed suicide. Asher was only ten years old at the time, but still recalls everything vividly. Since he was the youngest of the bunch, he hadn't been entirely aware of his sister's struggle with both an eating disorder as well as depression, so to him her death came largely unexpected. Her body was found by Asher's mother on the 14th of September, 1993. She had hanged herself in her own room in the late afternoon, right after she had come out of school. An ambulance was called and Drew was pronounced dead on the spot.

The massive loss hit all members of the family incredibly hard, especially Adriana. She quit working for a while due to a severe burn-out, after which her children took over a large part of the household. They worked hard to keep everything running steadily, and to somewhat cheer their mother up. Adriana couldn’t help but blame herself for not fully knowing what her daughter had been going through and it took a long time for her to get better.


Ever since Byron had left, the family was delicately balancing the poverty line. Asher's mother had taken up a job as a secretary, working long hours in order to support four children on her own. The sudden lack of parental supervision caused Asher to start acting out. He got in with the wrong crowd, started smoking, frequently got into fights, and even got arrested for trying to steel a car. Since a local policeman was well-acquainted with his mother, he got off easy. From there onwards, his mother and sisters managed to steer him into the right direction again. He kept his act clean for a while, managing to juggle school, a part-time job, and a social life. He got into his first relationship with a girl he knew from school and eventually completed his A-levels with surprisingly high grades. Wanting a future where he and his family would no longer have to worry about money, Asher set his mind to pursuing a career in business. He applied to Oxford but got rejected. Instead, he ended up taking a gap-year so he could work as an intern at a prominent stockbroking firm.

But things do not go according to plan entirely. During his internship, Evangeline finds out that she has been pregnant for several weeks already. Asher pleads for her not to keep it, but Evangeline is unable to part with the life growing inside her. The two eventually break up over their disagreement, and Evangeline ends up moving away to the countryside, where her family can help her out with raising her child. Asher, far more preoccupied with leading his own life, keeps his distance. Once Amelia is born, he visits her a couple of times, which he fails to keep up in the long run. While supporting his daughter financially where he can, he does not hear or see much of her at all after that.


After interning for a year, Asher enters an undergraduate program in Economics and Management at Queen's College London. He trades in his parental home for a college dorm room and starts working part-time at a liquor store in order to support himself. His newfound independence is almost addictive; Asher starts to thrive, making tons of new friends, excelling in class, and picking up some extracurriculars on the side. He meets a girl at a party and some playful banter evolves into a committed relationship. Asher graduated and follows up his education with a degree in Financial Economics.

A year later, everything seems perfect. He co-owns an apartment with his girlfriend, obtains his broking license, and secures a promising position at the stock trading company he interned for. For the first time in his life, things seem to be working out in his favor. However, luck does not last forever. As the financial crisis of the late 00's hits, Asher loses his job. He freelances as a financial advisor for a few months before an old friend from university recruit him into his father's company. Through high commissions and shady sales pitches, the company grows steadily and its employees grow rich quickly, earning their stripes in the world of trading. Asher develops a taste for luxury and excess, and quickly becomes an expert in the art of frivolous spending. Late-night business dinners turn into cocaine-fuelled benders, and his relationship with his long-term girlfriend deteriorates quickly as a result. She ends up breaking up with him once she learns he has cheated on her several times.


The next few years are nothing but a blurry haze. Mansions and penthouses, fast cars and private planes, parties on rooftops and yachts, mixing cocaine and alcohol and God knows what else, sipping cocktails with aspiring models, charity galas, strippers and escorts, and everything in between. Asher builds up a vast amount of wealth and lives to spend it all. He develops a severe cocaine and alcohol addiction that he cannot begin to fight. He meets a French model and gets married to her in Paris on a whim. He comes undone a few times, checking into rehab as he vows to better his life, getting out only to fall back into old patterns.

While he's slowly falling apart, his oldest daughter tries to contact him again. She wants to get to know him better, and Asher foolishly thinks that he is doing well enough for himself to make that happen for her. They start talking to each other, after which Amelia ends up visiting him a couple of times. While they do get along, she is quick to learn that her father is not the man she had hoped for. While trying to remain in contact with him, Amelia mostly keeps her distance.


A Christmas party gone wrong and Asher finds himself in rehab during the holidays. He connects with a girl working there and they start meeting up once he gets out. She aspired to be a surgeon someday, but prefers a living wage and badly rolled joints over study loans and dusty books. Asher offers to pay for her tuition and the two of them become closer, up to the point that he spends almost all his free time with her. Their relationship is brief but intense, both of them blinded by pure infatuation for each other. Asher gets a call-back to reality when his wife informs him she's pregnant of their first child together, and Asher ends up breaking up with his fling in order to focus on his duty as a father. He's terrified as he holds his daughter for the first time.

But it's not enough. Asher delves further into this seemingly endless downward spiral. His busy schedule and heavy drug use cause both his health and his relationship with his wife to deteriorate. He spends the majority of his days at work and in clubs, continuously needing to use cocaine to be able to function. Asher starts dating a dancer at a strip club for a while. Their on-and-off relationship is toxic to the both of them, defined by substance abuse, cheating, and jealousy. Asher started to bring his problems home more and more often. He would come back home inebriated, waking up his wife and young daughter and making a mess of their home in the middle of the night.


During one of the many networking parties Asher attended, he met a young aspiring model. While he mainly liked her for her appearance, this girl quickly became infatuated with him. She followed him around everywhere, wanting to spend all of her time with him. While sympathetic to it at first, Asher found himself growing bored, concerned, and eventually plainly creeped out by her. He tried to end their brief relationship, but she had gotten too attached already. Valeria started keeping track of him whichever way she could, and threatened to tell his wife about their affair. Asher refused to stay with her, after which Valeria ended up informing Aurélie of Asher's promiscuous behaviour. Although Aurélie had had her suspicions for a long time, she now had evidence of her husband's infidelity.

A confrontation ensued, resulting into an intense argument. Asher, hopped up on cocaine and strong liquor at the time, put their daughter into one of their cars and drove off. In his intoxicated state, he crashed the car, injuring both himself and his daughter. Shortly afterwards, he is arrested for child neglect, drug possession, and driving under the influence of a substance. A long trial ensues, and despite Asher having an excellent team of lawyers, he is deemed guilty of all charges. He is sentenced to five years in Wandsworth prison; the end of life as he knew it. During his time in Wandsworth, Aurélie divorces him and moves back to France, taking their daughter Audrey along with her.


Asher ends up serving nearly three out of five years before he is released early, on the condition that he frequently meets with an offender manager and follows a strict drug addiction treatment program. Returning to the real world proves to be difficult, however. Having lost his job and his family, Asher sees little use in going on and attempts to hang himself in his apartment. He fails and is admitted to a psychiatric ward for a month, after which he receives an offer to return to his old job. He meets a girl at a bar and they start dating shortly afterwards.

Slowly but steadily, everything turns back to normal again. His relationship gets more serious, to the point where he proposes to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. However, it turns out that he hasn't really changed at all. He chooses partying and sleeping around over the woman he loves, ruining the one good thing he had going for him once again. Skaði and he break up, leaving him on his own again. He keeps working at his old job for a few months more, until his mother passes away from lung cancer. Completely distraught, he decides that he needs to change his life around, or else what his mother feared would become of him would eventually come true. Asher quits his job and starts working at Queen's College of London instead, where he has remained ever since.

these violent delights have violent ends

Last edited by Asher Morgan on Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Asher Morgan
IC posts : 47

Occupation : Lecturer

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