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Archibald Kinsley Stuart

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Post by Archibald Kinsley Stuart Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:27 pm

48. Vice-Chancellor.

Archibald Kinsley Stuart


Full Name |

Archibald Frederick Kinsley Stuart

Title |

Lord Archibald

Occupation |


Faculty |

Formerly Social Sciences

Study |

  • Graduate in Psychology from Queen's College London
  • P.H.D. in Political Science from Queen's College London
  • Study Society |



    Height |


    Build |

    daddylicious (buff)

    Eye Colour |


    Hair Colour |


    Archibald is your typical handsome british gentleman. He ages like fine wine. He is normal for his height but built buff. It is easy for him to build some muscle and since he works out a lot, mostly running, he finds himself in great shape. His broad chest and strong arms are often hidden under his suits though. He has thick brown hair and a full beard to accompany it. Formally to his dismay he has a few notable grey hairs that he loathed, but now finds suit his appearance. He has soul-piercing blue eyes that radiate wisdom.

    It is clear that Archibald hails from an aristocratic family. He almost always wears three-piece suits, complete with tie or ascot and of course, a pocketsquare. His go-to colours are shades of grey, brown and grey. Sometimes he wears blue, but this is mostly to formal events. The fabrics of his suits are fresco, flannel and expensive wool. Brands he usually wears are Kingsman and Boss. The look is not complete without a woolen overcoat or a quilted jacket and a scarf.

    The fact that he dresses very formally doesn't seem to bother him at all. If anything it completes his image of a professor. In his mind and due to the way he was raised, he finds it a normal standard. When in a more casual setting he sometimes wears just a blazer or a sweater with a pattern.


    traits |

    caring – patient – courteous – dedicated – perceptive – intelligent – ambitious – eccentric – (over)protective – cunning – manipulative – traumatized

    Archibald has an almost unearthly calm and relaxed demeanour and often gives off an aura of serenity and composure, rarely displaying emotions of anger or fear. He is known for typically speaking in a calm, collected voice, and being firm, but reasonable and kind. A true gentleman, he always remains courteous, even to people who he finds rude. He believes in the good of everyone and insists on giving second chances. He often uses humour to make people feel comfortable in his presence although his eccentricity is just another way of making himself seem less threatening.

    His pride and joy is his family. This isn't how he started, but after the death of his sister, he became a true family man. He cares deeply for his wife and even more for his two daughters. He expects great things of them, like any father does. He can be very protective of them, if not a little over-protective.

    His knowledge of people's true personality goest beyond being simply a good judge of character. Studying psychology only fueled his emotional intelligence and high perception. However, this also makes him good at manipulating people, which he is perfectly willing to if he thinks it necessary. He is known to be quite philosophical; often with very few people understanding his philosophies. While often kind and calm, he does have a very serious side of himself and is capable of a terrifying wrath. This is rarely seen, which makes it all the more impactful if he is truly angry.

    Archibald, despite his usually bright appearance, is haunted by his traumatic family history. He is riddled with guilt over the circumstances  surrounding the death of his younger sister. His greatest personality flaw, which was something he had grown to acknowledge after this, was his desire for power. Especially in his younger days, he could be quite selfish because of his academic intellect. He wanted the classics: fame, power and glory. While Archibald, at least in later years, never displayes arrogance or conceit, he has no use for false modesty either. If a situation warranted it, he is perfectly willing to acknowledge his seemingly peerless intelligence. He can be stoically pragmatic and is extremely prone to secrecy.


    Father |

    His Grace Arthur Kinsley Stuart [†]

    Mother |

    Lady Penelope Kinsley Stuart

    Siblings |

    His Grace Sebastian Kinsley Stuart, Lady Alice Kinsley Stuart [†]

    Other |

    Arianna Kinsley Stuart (niece)

    Wife |

    Lady Vanessa Kinsley Stuart

    Children |

    Penelope Kinsley Stuart, other daughter


    place of birth |

    Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

    date of birth |

    March 4th, 1973


    Lord Archibald Frederick Kinsley Stuart was born as the second child of Grace and Alice Kinsley Stuart, the Duke and Duchess of Somerset. He grew up at Bulstrode Park in Buckinghamshire, close to London. Whilst he'd never be tasked with taking over the dukedom, he was still raised as if he one day would, just with a little more freedom than his elder brother. Three years after Archibald was born, the parents were blessed with another child: a girl called Alice.

    Always standing in the shadow of his elder brother, who was three years his senior, he grew up always trying to earn as much praise and break out of the mold. He had great ambition, even from a young age. However, this wasn't recognized by the person he wanted it to most: his father.

    Eton College

    Just like the rest of the men in his family, as was tradition, Archibald attended Eton College from age 13 onwards. He lived there 7 days a week, only going home during holidays, as it is a boarding school. But Archibald didn't mind this at all. At Eton he finally had a chance to show his academic intellect, even though his elder brother was also in attendance here. It turned out that the culprit of this rivalry wasn't his own brother, but his father.

    At Eton, Archibald became a member of several of the societies,  in many of which pupils come together to discuss a particular topic or to listen to a lecture, such as the Debating, Political, History and Literary society. He also joined the rowing club outside of the sports curriculum.

    When he was a senior, he became entitled to exercise School discipline through being elected as prefect. This made him entitled to wear winged collars with bow ties. Just like his brother Sebastian, Archibald was elected in the Eton Society, also known as Pop. It is a highly glamorous high-status elite society comprising the most popular, well-regarded, confident and able senior boys. It is thus truly an elite within an elite. Archibald went even further when he was also selected as a House Captain: captains of each of the 25 boys' houses have disciplinary powers at school level.

    Queen's College London

    When it was time to head to university, there was only one on Archibald's mind: Queen's College London. Even though he got accepted in both Oxbridge universities, he decided not tot go there and follow family tradition. He decided to study both Political Science and Psychology, his ambition never dialing down. He was granted a premium room, of course. There was no question wether or not he'd join OLYMPIA and then ITHACA, considering he was a legacy there with his brother serving as president at the time he arrived and his father also having been a member there. They called him 'Archie', a nickname that stuck around.

    Archibald was the talk of the university. He was incredibly handsome with his thick light-brown hair, dimpled chin and piercing blue eyes. He was fit, making sure to join the rowing club to keep up his appearance. All the attention he received from girls, the admiration from his fellow fraternity members and the praise from his professors fueled his ego considerably. Whilst he wasn't arrogant, he had no use for false modesty either.

    He frequently had different girlfriends, although in his words they were just "flings". There was only one girl he ever really fell for: Vanessa. She was just as academically inclined as he was, a beautiful young woman and moreover: she wanted nothing to do with him. At least, not with the way he was back then. She wasn't a member of a society, even though she hailed from an aristocratic family, rather focussing herself on academics.

    When Archie was in his fourth year, he finally got everything he wanted. He was elected praeses of Ithaca -how could he not have been after both his brother and father were president?- and academically, he was thriving. It got even better when his sister finally joined him at university, someone who always brought out the best in him. He became more serious about his future, even securing a job as teaching assistant for the head of the Social Sciences faculty. This got the attention of Vanessa and finally, she allowed him a chance to win her heart. It couldn't have been better, and as he would soon realize, it wouldn't be.

    After Queen's College London

    Archibald graduated with flying colours, earning a master's degree in both his studies. By now, the world was his oyster and everyone else was just living in it. He could be whatever he wanted to be, ranging from politician to psychologist. Seeing as how his brother was already on his way to become a succesful politician, it would only be logical if Archibald chose something equally ambitious. But his heart was still at QCL. He loved the atmosphere and it had become his forever home. Instead of stepping into the limelight, he wanted to continue studying. He applied for a doctoral programme at the university and after a year, started teaching as a lecturer to expand his resumé. It turned out, he actually loved the latter.

    Tragedy struck when on a particular snowy winter day, his father's car got into a car crash on the road home. What was even worse was that his sister sat in the car too. Whilst it didn't take long for someone to find them and call the ambulance, the damage was already done. His sister passed away in the ambulance, his father lived to see the hospital. Archibald arrived at the hospital and got to see his father a few more times before he too passed away from complications. But at least, he got to say goodbye to him. To this day, Archibald wishes it could have been the other way around. After all, his sister was the family member he cared about most.

    Grieving brought out the worst in him. He started to withdraw from everyone who cared about him, focussing solely on his work and his accomplishments. As if he wanted to make his father proud, even though he wasn't there anymore and he could never achieve the praise he needed from him. Vanessa and him grew apart, eventually splitting up. It took losing her to realise what had been there in front of him all along.

    Settling & earning his doctorate

    Archibald vowed to better himself, hoping he would eventually get a second chance with her. He was well on his way to earn his doctorate, having been promoted to senior lecturer, when she came by the university once more. They reconnected and slowly, he convinced her to see him for who he was now. He was given another chance at love with her and just a year later, they got married. When he was twenty-eight, the couple was living comfortably in his father's house in London and they were blessed with their first child: a girl named Amara.

    Just a year after Amara was born, the little family moved into Bulstrode Park, the ancestral seat of their family and home of his brother the Duke of Somerset. Archibald continued to work and got promoted to Reader at QCL when he was thirty years old. This was also when his little pride and joy, Amara, got a baby sister. Vanessa and him settled on the name Penelope, after his mother.

    After eight years of research, publishing several papers, teaching and studying he could finally write a groundbreaking dissertation in the field of political science. It got published and not soon after, he got offered a permanent postdoctoral teaching position at the university. At age thirty-three, he became a professor.

    Professor at Queen's College London

    Life continued in the most beautiful way for Archibald. He got to watch his little girls grow up even though he was extremely busy with work. He always tried to be there for them. Being a father brought out the best in him. He had become a patient, kind and caring man. When he was fourty years old, the former Principal of the faculty of Social Sciences retired. Archibald was asked to take over, a position he gratefully accepted. He continued to teach in the field of both political science and psychology, although he cut back on the amount of classes he took under his belt.

    Vice-Chancellor at Queen's College London

    When Archibald was fourty-six, he climbed to the top of the professional ladder. Just as when he got promoted to Principal, another member of the university retired. Only now, it was the Vice-Chancellor. Once again, the board turned to Archibald, the member who had been the most succesful at that time. There was no doubt in his mind when asked the question and like a true gentleman, he accepted once again. He found a suitable replacement for his position as Principal and dropped the last classes he taught to focus on his new position.

    The following year, his eldest daughter joined the university, much to his approval. He was ecstatic to see her, although he had promised not to interfere too much. When his youngest daughter joined the university too, he had to promise he would be a 'cool' dad and that once again, he wouldn't interfere. But he just can't help look out for his little girls, wishing them only the best.

    And the rest is rust and stardust

    Archibald Kinsley Stuart
    IC posts : 2

    Occupation : Vice-Chancellor

    Quote : And the rest is rust and stardust

    Archibald Kinsley Stuart

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