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Some wrecked angel

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Post by Max Rutherford Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:47 pm
A sudden surge of productivity had made it so that he had quite a bit of an outline going on, but he felt as if that energy would be soon to dissipate after his little break. He wasn’t exactly used to studying for multiple hours at a time. Or studying at all, actually. Sooner rather than later, he would grow bored of reading articles and typing out so many multisyllabic words. Surely, Arianna would get annoyed with him again by then. She told him not to worry about the fact that he had failed to do something as basic as get dressed, but he still felt like a bit of an idiot anyway.

He chuckled at her comment about the university coffee. “Well, it’s not good, but…” He casually shrugged, trying to find the appropriate word. “It is coffee.” And that was the most accurate compliment that he could possibly think of, if one could even call it that. She then inquired about a certain Charlotte, of whom he remembered virtually nothing. Still, he tried his best to create a mental image of the girl in question. He furrowed his brows when she got oddly specific about her ‘long brown hair’. That must be a trap, right? He shook his head, wagging a finger at her. “She doesn’t look like that and you know it,” he corrected her, not clarifying what she did look like, because he had no idea. “I’m not the asshole that you think I am, alright?” Or maybe he was, but she shouldn’t think that, of course.
code made by kahlua of caution
Max Rutherford
IC posts : 35

Occupation : Student [History]

Quote : I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw.

Max Rutherford

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Post by Arianna Kinsley Stuart Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:44 am
I still remember the first fall of snow and how it glistened as it fell, I remember it all too well
There would be a boatload of work ahead for the two of them, she had realized. If Max managed to write an outline today, that was just the first of many hurdles they'd face together. And she wasn't sure if she could get him to do the necessary studying by himself. She certainly couldn't accompany him every hour he went to the library, no matter how effective it might be. Maybe, she could somehow convince him to take studying a little more serious.

According to Max, the coffee from the machine outside the library wasn't good, but it was coffee nonetheless. She chuckled softly as she nodded. "I think I still prefer the Black and Broom's though, don't you?" She asked him. The topic then shifted from beverages to one of Max' old conquests who coincidentally was a member of Arianna's sorority. Her little trap didn't work, yet, making her frown a little. "Then what does she look like?" She pushed. She felt her irritation slowly build once again but she managed to contain it. His next comment made her stop in her tracks as she looked him straight in the eye. "I never said you were an asshole, Max, it just doesn't surprise me that you're no different from the rest of your 'brothers'." She said calmly before walking past him to the coffee machine without saying another word. Maybe the reason she didn't want to work with him wasn't because he was lazy, but because of his behaviour outside of academics.


Arianna Kinsley Stuart
IC posts : 27

Occupation : Student [history & political science]

Quote : the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all

Arianna Kinsley Stuart

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Post by Max Rutherford Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:29 pm
There wasn’t that much time left until his deadline. And while it was only the deadline for his first draft, it was a very important one. The idea was to finish your paper as much as you could so you could get the most out of the feedback you would receive, so turning in just an outline would be a little bit wasteful. Not to mention dumb.

That, however, meant that there was still a lot to do, which wasn’t exactly something he was looking forward to. After nearly an hour of work, he thought a break to be pretty well-deserved. He nodded in response to Arianna’s comment. “Yeah, me too, but I’m pretty sure they’re closed right now,” he said. If not, he might have run all the way there just to grab a cup of their coffee instead, but alas. She didn’t give it a rest when it came to Charlotte, which had him between a rock and a hard place. Max shrugged. “Just… she’s pretty,” he simply answered. That was good enough, right? Then, she told him that he wasn’t any different from the people he associated with, which was arguably true. Still, he was offended. “You barely even know me,” he muttered, after which he trailed after her towards the coffee machine. Suddenly, he no longer really felt like talking to her anymore.
code made by kahlua of caution
Max Rutherford
IC posts : 35

Occupation : Student [History]

Quote : I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw.

Max Rutherford

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Post by Arianna Kinsley Stuart Tue Dec 28, 2021 7:04 pm
I still remember the first fall of snow and how it glistened as it fell, I remember it all too well
The thought of a good, well-brewed, cup of coffee -even though she wanted a cup of tea- was almost enough to make her want to go to the Black and Broom. But that would waste most of their time and like Max pointed out, they were probably closed. "If we meet earlier next time we'll have time to go there during the break." She pointed out with a smile. It wasn't a long walk anyway and it beat the coffee here by a landslide.

Their conversation grew a little less pleasant once she had pointed out Charlotte, one of his former conquests, who he didn't seem to remember and called her 'pretty'. Yet Arianna did know her, seeing as the girl was one of her sorority sisters. And the whole situation made him look a whole lot less sympathetic. But according to Max, she didn't know him at all. The comment made her turn around briefly. "I-" She uttered out, but instead of saying what she wanted to she bit her lip and walked on. It wasn't worth arguing with him right now. At the coffee machine she was quick to grab one of the paper cups and press the hot water button. She threw a quick glance aside to Max, which didn't do her any favours. She managed to grab her cup too early, resulting in some leftover boiling water falling on her hand. "Bloody hell." She cursed as her hand twitched, making the rest of her tea spill over the cup and on her hand. The cup slipped from her hand as it dropped to the ground. "Guess that's just my karma." She mumbled with a rather irritated and painful look she waved her hand around. She looked at him, he must be thoroughly enjoying this.


Arianna Kinsley Stuart
IC posts : 27

Occupation : Student [history & political science]

Quote : the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all

Arianna Kinsley Stuart

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Post by Max Rutherford Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:35 pm
A somewhat confused frown appeared on his face when she made a certain comment about ‘next time’. For a few seconds, he was baffled. This was to be repeated? “There’s going to be a next time?” he asked, looking at her a little troubled. He thought that she would only help him get started one time, and then that would be it. But apparently, they were supposed to do this on the regular.

But Charlotte and her meddling ways led them down a path that was all but positive. He didn’t remember anything about her at all, except a vague recollection of yet another night where he had drunk too much and suffered all due consequences. And while she was probably right about him, he still felt a little offended. He had done some stupid, reckless, selfish things during the past few years, but he didn’t exactly consider himself a bad person. Not until now, at least. He made a comment under his breath, which she wisely ignored. Max chewed the inside of his cheek as she got her coffee, not feeling particularly chatty anymore. “Oh, shit,” he hastily said when she spilled some of the boiling water onto her hand. He pointed her over to a nearby sink at once. “Run some water over it, quickly. Maybe it’ll save you a burn,” he said, after which he bent down to start cleaning up the mess she had made. He may be spoilt, but he wasn’t entirely hopeless just yet.
code made by kahlua of caution
Max Rutherford
IC posts : 35

Occupation : Student [History]

Quote : I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw.

Max Rutherford

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Post by Arianna Kinsley Stuart Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:07 am
I still remember the first fall of snow and how it glistened as it fell, I remember it all too well
Apparently Max thought this tutoring session was a one-time occasion. But knowing his reputation and after their brief chat in the beginning, Arianna had already decided they ought to meet more than once. "There is, you didn't think I'd let you get started to then stop helping you?" She said. "I think it's best if we meet every two weeks, or every week." She went on, knowing full well it was best to meet every week so she could keep him on his toes. "Whichever one you prefer. I'd reccommend the latter but I don't want you to get sick of me." A small grin appeared on her face as she said it and she briefly looked up at him.

The situation went from bad to worse when, after they talked about Charlotte, she spilled hot water all over her hand. A string of curses almost slipped her mouth but was kept to something relatively polite, as if she didn't want her good behaviour to falter. Max pointed her to a sink and briefly, she objected. "But I-" she muttered as she motioned to the ground, preferring to clean up her mess. With a sigh she eventually walked over to the sink, letting the cool water run over her hurt hand. "You really don't have to do that." She said with a frown as she saw Max bend down to wipe the floor. "It was my mistake." She mumbled.  


Arianna Kinsley Stuart
IC posts : 27

Occupation : Student [history & political science]

Quote : the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all

Arianna Kinsley Stuart

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Post by Max Rutherford Mon Jan 24, 2022 7:53 pm
Ironically, for a student, Max knew little about academics. He had no idea what the customs were surrounding tutoring. Were you supposed to take multiple tutoring sessions? Was he supposed to pay for all of them? Did he truly need it to begin with or was his just a motivational problem? He looked at her a little sheepishly when she said they were supposed to meet once every two weeks, or even weekly. “Oh…” he said, furrowing his brows a little. “I think once every two weeks would be good. You know, so I can… Think about what I’ve learnt.” Yeah, that seemed like a fine excuse.

Their conversation about Charlotte definitely soured the mood, and while Max spent his time trying to recall this girl, Arianna spilled some hot coffee over the floor. He grabbed a few napkins and started to carefully mop up the spilled liquid. She told him he didn’t have to do it, but Max shrugged as he continued cleaning up the mess. “It’s alright,” he assured her. “You’re helping me clean up my mess, I’ll help you with yours.” Except his mess was of an academic nature. And even though he wasn’t acting like it, he certainly was quite grateful for her help.
code made by kahlua of caution
Max Rutherford
IC posts : 35

Occupation : Student [History]

Quote : I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw.

Max Rutherford

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